Where’ Coco?

Stored in the Back Room
oil and collage on Canvas, 60x54" Unframed 2012-2016

Started in 2012 commenting on a collector, Carl Price and his wife Christy's Collie Coco, who coincidentally had the same name of Quigley's friend Jeffrey Bandman's little dog Coco. "Everytime I would go over to either Jeff or Carl's I'd hear someone asking 'Where's Coco?' I loved both dogs so thought I'd make a painting about them."

The Basquiat poster was given to William on his birthday, April 29, 1988 by Jean Michel, who signed it Vrej, joking on the dealer Vrej Bahoomian. William carried it around for about 10 hours that night in NY. From the opening to dinner, to drinks then 3 nightclubs, nearly tossing it in the trash on several occasions. When the entourage arrived at the Night Club The Palladium, Quigley got lost in the crowd. The doorman agreed to let him in if he gave the poster as a token gift for the entry. Quigley refused, and luckily a group in his party came out to retrieve him as he continued to dance and carry it around all evening. The poster has blessed every studio Quigley has painted in since. Hanging like an alter in NY, LA, Boston, and East Hampton as a homage to that night and the short, but lasting impression and relationship the two artists shared from 1986-to August 1988.
